What is an IFRA?

What is an IFRA?

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What's An IFRA & Why Is It Important?

Well we are here to help and help you understand it.

IFRA, is short for the International Fragrance Association. IFRA released documents to outline the safe usage levels of fragrances in a wide variety of products. These standards are based on scientific research and aim to ensure that fragrances are safe for consumer use. The document includes guidelines for the safe use of certain ingredients, as well as recommendations for testing and labelling fragrances.

You will find the IFRA on our website, bottom right-hand side, highlighted blue. When you click the link, you will see the below page first. The IFRA will be titled ‘Certificate of Conformity’.

We’ve used a copy of our IFRA for Desert Rose to help you understand the document more clearly.

Issue date and version

This is the date the IFRA document was issued by the manufacturer to us, Crafitful, the supplier. You will find this at the top of every page within the IFRA document.

The version is the date and a number. Please note that no IFRA document is the same and versions of IFRA’s can change when necessary so these will always go up from 1, 2, 3 etc, when changes are made. The date shown is when the version was issued by the manufacturer.

Certifying party

This is us the supplier, Craftiful.

Scope of the certificate

This is the name of the of the fragrance oil. We’ve used our Fragrance Oil, Desert Rose for example purposes.

Compulsory Information


Not approved – this means that the fragrance hasn’t been specifically tested in that certain product category therefore, it shouldn’t be used.

Not limited – this means that the fragrance oil isn’t limited to a particular percentage however, you should only use the recommended amount for a product within that category or test the product to make sure its compatible.

Category 1 - Leave on products generally applied to lips.

Category 2 - Leave on products generally applied to axillae.

Category 3 - Products generally applied to the face using fingertips.

Category 4 – Fragrancing products generally applied to neck, face and wrists.

Category 5 - Leave on products applied to the face and body using the hands (palms).

Category 6 - Products with lip and oral exposure.

Category 7 - Products applied to hair with hand contact.

Category 8 - Products with significant anogenital exposure.

Category 9 - Rinse off products with body and hand exposure.

Category 10 - Household care products with mostly hand contact.

Category 11 - Products with intended skin contact but minimal transfer of fragrance to skin from interstate.

Category 12 - Products not intended for direct skin contact, minimal or insignificant transfer to skin.


If you’re planning on selling your products outside of the UK, then this table will be applicable to you. This table confirms the maximum usage level for the products stated within, as the usage levels for EU countries may differ depending on the allergens in the fragrance oil. Whichever product you make, remember to check both the UK and EU tables, and go with the lowest percentage stated. This may help save time if you’re selling within the UK and EU at the same time.


This table is where you’ll find full details in categories with the specified product(s) within each category. This will help you discover what your products falls under when determining how much fragrance oil you may use safely.

Don’t forget to keep an eye on the IFRA for any changes as they can be updated.

We hope this page has informed you and provided you with a better understanding about the IFRA and its importance.

We’re always here to help anyway so if you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

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